Intuitive Life Counseling

Life can be perplexing even for those of us who are very clear and very definite about what we want out of Life. However, we all go through phases in which our poor minds are simply spinning from stress and we can no longer see the way. When we cannot see our path clearly we often start to feel lost and frustrated. And, when we feel lost we do desperate things like take jobs which are incorrect for us, or stay/enter into an unhealthy relationship; often these choices are great for our learning experience but lead to so much suffering.

What I'm offering is simply perspective. Having committed myself to self improvement for the last 15 years I have refined my own personal healing process through systems like Tantra, Yoga, earning my Masters in Physiology and most importantly the clarity I sought outside myself for so long was found through deep union internally in meditation. Consider for a moment, if you are interesting in investing your money where do you turn? You would go to someone who has put in the time to gain a perspective in the financial arena. The same goes for the fundamentals of life and decision making, you want to turn to someone who has committed themselves to mastery. What I have mastered for myself is very simple, how to be comfortable in my own skin. 

Every session will involve "talk" therapy, intuitive guidance and a prescribed energy technique which will aid in strengthening your nervous and endocrine system. I utilize Tantric numerology and Human Design as a prompt for my intuition; this data is derived form your birth information (date, time, place) 

Gain correct direction, find correct work, learn stress management, and Flow.... The Body is Life and Life has Nothing to Offer Except Flow. 

Each session is 1 hour, cost is $60 and can occur in person in Chicago, Illinois or by Skype

To Contact Akal:

Yoga and Tantra

Total relaxation is the result of inner stillness                                 Kundalini Yoga Classes

Yoga and Tantra have essentially the same purpose which is Union, or the merger of the divine masculine and the divine feminine. Another way to look at it is the end of our attachment to duality. Duality is part of the whole and also a structure which we navigate here on the material plane. The human mind defines its reality in order to understand the construct of the world we live in. However, this defining represents A single interpretation or perception of reality as it filters though our senses. The merger of duality occurs when we can see the infinite in all, or the consciousness which all creation shares. Both Yoga and Tantra provide a structure, physical practice, and a way of developing awareness which leads us down a path toward presence; the systems themselves are not the point, the point is Meditation. In meditation we learn there is no experience in the present moment. All experiences, stories about who we think we are, and expectations of the future are simply expressions of the nervous system and the collective consciousness field. Our experiences maybe in many ways dependent on the physical, however beneath the physical, beneath the movement of energy through the body lies a larger interconnected flow which guides and is rooted in the infinite. It's surrender to what we do not understand that opens us up to expansive consciousness altering experiences. As we tune to presence we simply witness everything in an unbiased manner, and its through this process that our consciousness grows. Who we think we are is essentially a box; a box which limits the flow of energy and when this box is simply witnessed our identification with it ends and the energy is liberated.

Yoga's approach to union is through mastery, concentration, contemplation, and perfection of physical alignment resulting in a greater sense of well-being, and comfort within one's own skin.

Tantra is an approach based on acceptance and surrender. Acceptance that the present moment is eternal and beyond the defining actions of the mind; surrender to the flow of energy as it moves through our physical form. Tantra is often associated with sex, however sex is not necessary for a Tantra practice to be effective. Sexual situations are often used in order to provoke the flow of sexual energy. Sexual energy is primal, potent, and Tantra allows us to indulge in its intensity without the neediness for a release. A Tantric practice leads to a deep centering in which we are no longer controlled by our desires.

Yoga and Tantra do not lead to the end of desire or the ego. These practices are about integration into the whole which ego and desire are part of.

For Information on Tantra for Couples or Tantra for Men Classes:

All sessions begin at $60 per session and range up to $200 depending on the nature of the work being done,  all sessions last from 1 hour to 3 hours

Innovative Nutrition

                                                                                                    Kundalini Yoga Classes

We live in a culture which is clearly confused about how we should be eating. Often times  money is the motivation behind which foods are recommended as healthy. Many studies are financed by food companies in order to promote products they sell. Also, depending on the decade certain foods are considered healthy then all of a sudden years later they are no longer good for you, eggs are a great example. The obesity rate shows that how we should be eating is not going to be determined by a research study or some external information, but from the signals our body is constantly communicating too us.

My approach to Nutrition is all about developing sensitivity. Sensitivity is being in tune to the body's reactions to the foods we eat. In this approach there are no good or bad foods. Its all about Biochemical individuality, meaning you should not eat like I do because your body is unique in how it processes what you bring into it. The emphasis in this system is not based on What you eat but on How your eat.

When considering a meal here is what needs to be considered:

1. How you are eating- every human is effected by the environments in which we consume our food. Some of us are day time eaters and some eat at night, some of us like peace when we eat and some enjoy commotion. There are many different ways we eat and one is specific too you, I can help you discover and experiment with your unique How.

2. Relationship- This is simply a pause and reflecting whether or not what you are about to consume is in conflict with the body. Any conflict between the mind and the flow of energy as it moves through the body represents a friction; where there is friction there is tension or dis-ease.

3. What- This is actually the least important aspect to this approach. As I stated before there are no good or bad foods, just more or less desirable reactions to the foods we consume. Processed food are probably the only foods which need to be moderated.

Contact Joel about your customized nutrition program and customized supplementation based on muscle testing. Session cost $80

Joel "Akal" Akins, and approach

Our Present was conceived in the past and our future is now. The purpose of the business is to convey the message that our health is our responsibility, and we have the power to heal ourselves through the utilization of various techniques and understandings. Weight loss, stress reduction, and all other positive outcomes are simply side-effects of a clearer consciousness.  The relationships we develope with ourselves will either hinder or aid our very individual evolution toward a conscious and healthful life. Relationship = Time Spent.

Joel Akins M.S., is an 15 year veteran of the health and wellness industry. He has worked as a personal trainer, wellness consultant, Tantra Instructor and Kundalini Yoga Teacher.
-B.S. in Kinesology from University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Iowa
-M.S. in Physiology from University of Illinois at Chicago

A Healer is actually a Helper, You are the true Healer!

Human Design and Astrology

Human Design is a system which has reveled substantial truths to me since I began studying it not long ago. The premise of the system is that we are all endowed with a very unique and individual design; this design when we are tuned in provides the necessary guidance we need in this life. Our design determines our attractions, frustrations brought on by resistance and conditioning, our specific trajectory through life and how we engage others is determined by how our Aura functions. There are functionally four types of Auras on Earth today. The majority of what we experience as who we are simply identifications, life's movement, conditioning, and sensory experience; however within each of us lies pure consciousness which is still and expansive. Human Design is the energetic template of how we experience life, ourselves and others. It is based on the human Genetic code, Kabbalah tree of life, quantum physics, astrology, and the I Ching. Thur the study of your design you will learn to accept all that you are and realize the change you have been seeking is simply a process of tuning into what has always been there. The system is very organized just like the design of the physical body. Think about it, the body has two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes, and a vascular system/nervous system/lymphatic system which have essentially the same layout in every human; so too there is an organization for the human energetic experience. The evolution of language over time was pressed forward by the need to describe and communicate what is experienced. For example, emotions are in essence just a vibration (or energy in motion), however the pressure to communicate what it is we are experiencing has encouraged us to find the "right" words to describe what it is we are feeling. Human Design is focused on the vibratory base to what has been described, or beneath the language. Personally, the system has allowed me to work through years of Karma and recognize those patterns I had been so fixated on changing which in reality only needed to be witnessed and accepted. This is a system which emphasizes the energetic pressures which drive us into different experiences; it s not about the specifics of the experience but how you experienced them and the universal flow which lies beneath every decision we make. Practically speaking, this material will guide you towards clarity about career, love life, friendships and physical wellness. I must warn you, this is very powerful content; so if you are looking to maintain the status-quo then perhaps this is not the appropriate information for you.

I also utilize Vedic Astrology in readings. Vedic Astrology can be beneficial in finding themes in ones life; areas where one might struggle or excel. It can also aid one in finding clarity concerning passions and career.

Get your Human Design Chart here

All readings are done for a donation; I only ask that you keep in mind my usual rate for other services is $80 per session

Personal Training

Personal training is a goal oriented approach to fitness, weight management, and physical performance. I utilize an approach to training which trains angles not muscle groups. The human body has approximately 640 muscles, so any attempt to train each muscle individually would require a 4-6 hour session to complete. Fortunately, all the skeletal muscles in the body are linked together through networks of connective tissue which form functional groups making it possible to move through a full range of motion in a precise manner. When we train movement, not muscle, we develop a youthful limber body.

Techniques/equipment: Your own body weight is the primary form of resistance utilized during the sessions while also incorporating equipment such as stability balls, TRX, medicine balls, kettle bells, free weights, plyometrics, resistance bands and Pilates. Each session involves a recovery period which includes stretching and deep relaxation.

Specifics: each session lasts 1 hour; sessions are scheduled as little as once per month up too 3 times per week; all programming is customized for each client; cost $60-$80 depending on payment structure; contact Joel 773-236-7662

What Others are Saying

"My partner Terry and I have worked with Joel for several years now. And that in itself is a miracle.  He keeps us going and varies the session so that they never become boring.  Joel is easy to work with and he has helped us achieve a level of fitness and general good health.  I am 68 and was able to bike 33 miles yesterday because I have consistently stayed in shape.  Maybe some people have the discipline to train on their own, but I don't and Joel has been there to help me along my path to physical agility and stamina."

Dan B.

"I have been going to Yoga classes for years and after Joel's class I feel like this is the first real Yoga class I have attended."

Chris N.

"Not only does Joel customize a workout routine and schedule that fits your personal body type and goals, but he also makes sure to focus on nutrition and eating habits. I have worked with a number of personal trainers, but he focuses more on these key points then any one of them. I want to get stronger and in better shape, but this way I could focus on my top priority which was building a healthier lifestyle."

Scott M.

"Working with Joel has improved my workouts immensely. His workout combines Yoga, Pilates, strength training, stretching in an easy to follow and effective routine. After 40 days I feel stronger, longer, and leaner! It is a practice I can incorporate into my everyday life which also improves my performance in the Yoga and Pilates classes I attend."

Thanks Again,
Julia A.